ICUD 2027 ICUD 2027
17th International Conference on Urban Drainage (ICUD 2027)
Dates: TBD
Venue: Ningbo, Ningbo, China
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
It is a qreat pleasure and honor to host the 17th International Conference onUrban Drainage (ICUD) in 2027 in Ningbo, China. We cordially invite you toshare information, strengthen cooperation, discuss the latest research in urbandrainage, and experience the perfect combination of classical beauty andmodern characteristics of Eastern China.

IAHR - International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research
Paseo Bajo Virgen del Puerto 3, Madrid
Tel: +34-91-335 7908,
IWA - International Water Association
Alliance House, 12 Caxton Street London SW1H 0QS, London
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-20-7654 5500

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